Bad Effects of Smoking

  • Smoking is harmful due to the chemicals in cigarettes and smoke. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals, out of which at least 50 are carcinogens and many are Poisonous.
  • Many people think that lung cancer is the smoking- related disease and it is the number one cause of death among smokers.But it is not right.
  • Cigarette smoke affect the body from head to be. Smokers have a much higher risk of developing a number of life threatening diseases.

Effect of Smoking

  • It leads to cancer in kidney, oral cavity, larynx, breast , bladder and pancreas etc
  • Many chemicals in tobacco smoke damage the air passageway , which leads to emphysema and their Respiratory Disorders
  • Smoking also has Effects on the circulatory System.
  • The carbon monoxide present in tobacco smoke lessens the oxygen-carrying capacity of Haemoglobin
  • Many other chemicals in smoke increase the production of blood platelets.
  • When platelets are more than the normal numbers, they make the blood viscous 
  • It also lead to arteriosclerosis.
  • Smokers are at greater risk of developing infections, particularly in the lungs
  • For example:

 Smoking increases the risk of tuberculosis by two to four times, and of pneumonia by four times.

Smoking is also responsible for weakening and staining the teeth.

Tooth loss is 2 to 3 times higher in smoker than in non- smoker

  • Smoking also affect the social life of a person.smoker may face social acceptance because other many people may not want to be exposed to other's smoke.
  • Non_ smokers who exposed to second- hand smoke at home or at work increase their heart disease risk by 25-30% and their lung cancer risk by 20-30%.

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